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1 2022-09-14 20:22:22 50


OpenResty® 是一个基于 Nginx 与 Lua 的高性能 Web 平台,其内部集成了大量精良的 Lua 库、第三方模块以及大多数的依赖项。




本文中主要使用lua来实现token存在黑名单时禁止访问的功能,按理说这个功能在SpringCloud-Gateway 或者 Zuul中就可以实现,但是我司并没有使用这种网关组件且系统目前很稳定,所以没有必要现在再去大动干戈引入新组件,所以我使用lua脚本来实现这个功能。



这里使用Docker来运行,-v 后面的路径和nginx.conf请提前创建好,下面做映射会用到。


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# 安装opm sudo yum install -y openresty-opm # -v /data/nginx/conf/lua:/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/lua 映射自定义的脚本位置 docker run --name nginx -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v /data/nginx/html:/usr/local/openresty/nginx/html -v /data/nginx/conf/nginx.conf:/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf -v /data/nginx/logs:/usr/local/openresty/nginx/logs -v /data/nginx/conf/lua:/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/lua -v /usr/local/openresty/site:/usr/local/openresty/site openresty/openresty:



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wget sudo mv openresty.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ sudo yum check-update sudo yum install -y openresty-resty sudo yum install -y openresty-opm sudo yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="openresty" list available # 如果使用源码编译就需要编辑 vim /usr/local/openresty/nginx/ 下的文件



  • lua-resty-jwt
  • lua-redis
  • lua-cjson
  • rsa 其中cjson和redis是OpenResty自带的,所以需要安装新的modules
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opm get SkyLothar/lua-resty-jwt opm install spacewander/lua-resty-rsa # 默认安装在usr/local/openresty/site,将此路径映射到docker容器中即可。



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pcre_jit on; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { // 映射的自己的lua脚本位置,引用时: require('nginx-jwt') lua_package_path "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/?.lua;;"; include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; keepalive_timeout 65; server { listen 80; server_name localhost; location / { lua_code_cache off; default_type 'text/html'; # rewrite_by_lua_file conf/lua/token.lua; # access_by_lua_file conf/lua/token.lua; # 这里使用access_by_lua_block,限制在访问阶段,lua有多个执行级别,具体参考lua文档 access_by_lua_block { local obj = require('nginx-jwt') obj.auth() } } # 根据referer处理逻辑 location /filter{ set $proxy ""; lua_code_cache off; rewrite_by_lua_file conf/lua/filter.lua; # $proxy 被filter.lua动态改变 proxy_pass http://$proxy$uri; } error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root html; } } }


实现token存在黑名单时禁止访问 其他情况不处理

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local cjson = require "cjson" local jwt = require "resty.jwt" local redis = require("resty.redis") local secret = "internal" local M = {} local function close_connection( red ) if not red then return end local ok, err = red:close() if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERROR, "close error ") end end -- 定义函数 function M.auth() local auth_header = ngx.var.http_Authorization if auth_header == nil then -- pass 不处理 return end ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "LUA Authorization: " .. auth_header) local _, _, token = string.find(auth_header, "Bearer%s+(.+)") if token == nil then return end ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "Token: " .. token) local red = redis:new() red:set_timeout(2000) local ip = "xx.xx.xx.xx" local port = 6379 local ok, err = red:connect(ip, port) if not ok then return end local res, err = red:auth("xx") if not res then ngx.say("connect to redis error : ", err) return end local jwt_obj = jwt:verify(secret, token) if ( jwt_obj["payload"] ~= null ) then local jti = jwt_obj["payload"]["jti"] local resp, err = red:get("token:logout:"..jti) close_connection(red) if not resp then ngx.say("get msg erro:", err) return end -- nred:get 的值是特殊null,需要使用ngx.null if resp ~= ngx.null then -- 设置响应状态返回 ngx.log(ngx.WARN, "the token has been withdrawn ".. jwt_obj.reason) ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED ngx.header.content_type = "application/json; charset=utf-8" ngx.say(cjson.encode(jwt_obj)) ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) end end ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "JWT: " .. cjson.encode(jwt_obj)) end -- 导出函数 return M



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function urldecode(s) s = s:gsub('+', ' ') :gsub('%%(%x%x)', function(h) return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) end) return s end function parseurl(s) local ans = {} for k,v in s:gmatch('([^&=?]-)=([^&=?]+)' ) do ans[ k ] = urldecode(v) end return ans end -- t = parseurl("") t = parseurl(ngx.var.http_referer) ngx.say(t.hosId) -- proxy需要先定义 ngx.var.proxy = "" if (t.hosId) then ngx.var.proxy = "" end -- 自身版 set $proxy ""; rewrite_by_lua_block { local s = ngx.var.http_referer local ans = {} for k,v in s:gmatch('([^&=?]-)=([^&=?]+)' ) do ans[ k ] = v:gsub('+', ' '):gsub('%%(%x%x)', function(h) return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) end) end ngx.say(ans.hosId) ngx.var.proxy = "" if (ans.hosId) then ngx.var.proxy = "" end ngx.say(ngx.var.proxy) }



rest.rsa 只能用公钥加密数据,key_type 有两种类型:

  • rsa.KEY_TYPE.PKCS1 The input key is in PKCS#1 BEGIN ==RSA== PUBLIC格式(usually starts with -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC).
  • rsa.KEY_TYPE.PKCS8 The input key is in PKCS#8 BEGIN PUBLIC格式(usually starts with -----BEGIN PUBLIC). ```


    http { lua_package_path "/usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/lua/?.lua;;"; include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; keepalive_timeout 65; server { listen 80; # 开启对请求body的数据获取,否则拿不到前端请求体数据 lua_need_request_body on; server_name localhost; location / { # default_type 'text/html'; lua_code_cache off; rewrite_by_lua_file conf/lua/request.lua; proxy_pass ; # 重写响应体导致数据长度变换,这里需要置为nil header_filter_by_lua_block { ngx.header.content_length = nil } body_filter_by_lua_file conf/lua/response.lua;
    # body_filter_by_lua_block { # ngx.arg[1] = 6666 # } } }


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- request.lua > aes:new("这个密码")必须是十六位


local aes = require "resty.aes" local str = require "resty.string" function hex2bin(hexstr) local str = "" for i = 1, string.len(hexstr) - 1, 2 do local doublebytestr = string.sub(hexstr, i, i+1); local n = tonumber(doublebytestr, 16); if 0 == n then str = str .. '\00' else str = str .. string.format("%c", n) end end return str end

local aes_128_cbc_with_iv = assert(aes:new("1234567890123456",nil, aes.cipher(128,"cbc"), {iv="1234567890123456"})) local encrypted_body = ngx.req.get_body_data() ngx.log(ngx.ERR,"param encrypted_body is: ", encrypted_body) local decrypted_body = aes_128_cbc_with_iv:decrypt(hex2bin(encrypted_body)) ngx.log(ngx.ERR,"AES 128 CBC (WITH IV) Decrypted: ", decrypted_body) ngx.req.set_body_data(decrypted_body)

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- response.lua

-- 默认padding是pkcs7 local aes = require "resty.aes" local str = require "resty.string" local aes_128_cbc_with_iv = assert(aes:new("shunnengcnsecret",nil, aes.cipher(128,"cbc"), {iv="shunnengcnsecret"})) local encrypted_body = aes_128_cbc_with_iv:encrypt(ngx.arg[1]) ngx.log(ngx.ERR,"AES 128 CBC (WITH IV) Encrypted HEX: ", str.to_hex(encrypted_body)) local chunk, eof = ngx.arg[1], ngx.arg[2] local info = ngx.ctx.buf chunk = chunk or "" -- 将原本的内容记录下来,因为body_filter_by_lua_file会执行多遍 if info then ngx.ctx.buf = info .. chunk else ngx.ctx.buf = chunk end if eof then local encrypted_body = aes_128_cbc_with_iv:encrypt(ngx.ctx.buf) ngx.arg[1] = str.to_hex(encrypted_body) else ngx.arg[1] = nil end

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- 前端 > keyStr必须是十六位

#App.vue import CryptoJS from '@/api/article/CryptoJS' export default { name: 'App', methods: { savePwd(e) { const a = CryptoJS.encrypt('123') console.log(a) const b = CryptoJS.decrypt('5625a9e0f5894f98f1f3e506d64fcc80') console.log(b) } } }


import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js' export default { // 加密 encrypt(word, keyStr, ivStr) { keyStr = keyStr || '1234567890123456' ivStr = ivStr || '1234567890123456' const key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(keyStr) const iv = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(ivStr) const srcs = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(word)

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const encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(srcs, key, { iv, mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 }) return encrypted.ciphertext.toString()

}, // 解密 decrypt(encryptedStr, keyStr, ivStr) { // 拿到字符串类型的密文需要先将其用Hex方法parse一下 var encryptedHexStr = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(encryptedStr)

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// 将密文转为Base64的字符串 // 只有Base64类型的字符串密文才能对其进行解密 var encryptedBase64Str = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(encryptedHexStr) keyStr = keyStr || '1234567890123456' ivStr = ivStr || '1234567890123456' var key = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(keyStr) const iv = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(ivStr) var decrypt = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encryptedBase64Str, key, { iv, mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC, padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 }) return decrypt.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8)

} }



  1. ngxin不正常工作时一般就是lua脚本有问题没写对检查下
  2. body_filter_by_lua_file 会执行多遍,所以需要将数据暂存在某个字段,然后拼接。参考response.lua
  3. 实现接口数据加解密时遇到 Error: incorrect header checkView in Console ,这是Kong导致的问题, 参考 Kong + Gzip doesn't work



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本文于   2022/9/14 下午  发布 


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